Information for Feeder Counters
Below you'll find
sections on "Useful Documents", "What
to Do Before Count Day," "What to
Do On Count Day," and "The Countdown
- Sign up with the
count compiler by sending email to Geoff
Williamson or by phoning him at 773-935-8439.
to Christine
Williamson if you will be attending the countdown
dinner (details on the Countdown
Dinner page) - we
must have a firm head count! There is a limited number of seats at
the dinner, so if you are not pre-registered you will
not be able to attend. The countdown dinner
is a lot of fun - don't miss it! Please decide ahead of time and let
Christine know if you'll be attending the dinner.
- Keep track of Count
Week birds - if you can, keep track of sightings of unusual birds
in the count circle for the period from three days before the count
to three days after. If these birds are not found on the count day,
they can be reported as "count week" birds.
- Make a list of every
species actually observed on the day of the count - that's the
basic idea behind a bird count. You will be counting birds at your
feeder and the immediate surroundings. Keep track of the numbers that
you see, being careful to note how many you see at any given time.
- Record the highest
total number of each species observed at any one time - Your final
tally for each species should be the largest number you observed at
one time, not a running total. Record this number on a tally
sheet (or in a notebook, for later transfer to the tally sheet).
- Keep track of the actual
number of hours spent during the day counting the birds at the feeders
- Make note of the amount of time that you are actually watching
the feeders.
- Make note of unusual
birds - if you
happen to observe a bird that is not listed on the tally
sheet, we ask that you complete a documentation
form describing the bird that you saw. Since these birds are either
out of range or unusual at this time of year, we want to keep better
records that researchers years from now can look at as evidence of
the sighting. We can't accept the sighting unless a documentation
form is completed, so please write up that documentation (it needn't
be fancy).
- Turn your numbers in
to the count compiler - Send you totals via regular mail to Geoff
Williamson, 4046 N Clark St Unit K, Chicago, IL 60613, or via email
to geoffrey dot willliamson dot 21 at gmail dot com.
You can also do this by phone by calling Geoff at 773-935-8439. Please
remember also to mail your documentation forms!
DINNER: At the end of count day many of the count participants gather
for a "Countdown Dinner" to socialize, celebrate the day's accomplishments,
and to total up the day's sightings. See the Countdown
Dinner page for details.
modified on 9 November 2015
by Geoffrey A. Williamson