Information for Area Coordinators

Below you'll find sections on "Useful Documents", "Area Coordinator Responsibilities," and "The Countdown Dinner." You should probably also review the section on Information for Count Participants.


  • Recruit a team of birders to cover your area.
    • The compiler can provide names, phone numbers, and email addresses for people who have done the count in your area in the past. Let them know about the countdown dinner and have them RSVP if they'll be attending the dinner (see the Countdown Dinner page for details).
    • Usually the compiler will be contacted by birders who are interested in participating. The compiler will try to assign these people to areas that need additional help. To make the assignment of "walk on" birders go smoothly, please keep the compiler apprised of how many people you'll have covering your area.
  • Coordinate the activities of all birders in the area to be sure the essential spots are covered. Groups often meet at a convenient location to start the day to review the assignments, and then plan to meet back together for lunch. At lunch, lists can be totaled for those who are done for the day, and plans for the afternoon's birding for those staying can be mapped out.
  • If possible arrange for some owling in your territory.
  • Assemble a participant list that includes names, mailing addresses, phone number and email address.
  • You no longer need to collect a $5 participant fee because National Audubon Society has eliminated the fee!
  • Gather documentation for all "code 4" birds seen in the area. Please stress ahead of time to your participants the importance of documenting Code 4 birds. The data we collect will be usefull to present and future researchers in understanding bird population distributions and their changes, and we need to make every effort that our observations are accurate. Documentation of unusual species is very important to this end, and provides a record that may be examined well into the future.
  • Tabulate party miles and hours for your area.
  • At the countdown dinner, submit bird totals, party miles and hours, the participant list, collected fees, and documentation forms to the compiler.

I will need to have all tallies, documentation forms, participant lists and fees assembled within four days of the count, BUT IT IS BEST TO GET ALL OF THIS TOGETHER AT THE COUNTDOWN DINNER!. Please help me to gather this information in that time frame. Thanks!

COUNTDOWN DINNER: At the end of count day many of the count participants gather for a "Countdown Dinner" to socialize, celebrate the day's accomplishments, and to total up the day's sightings. See the Countdown Dinner page for details.

As an area coordinator you'll have the job of collecting all your parties' numbers so that a final tally can be made at the dinner. This caps off the day in a rewarding way for all the participants, so please be prepared to get your numbers tallied.

Last modified on 9 November 2015
by Geoffrey A. Williamson