IORC References
Policy References, Articles, and Information
- Criteria for establishment of exotic bird populations
Identification (and other) Species or Group Specific Articles
Family Anatidae
Barnacle Goose
Eurasian Wigeon and American Wigeon
- Cox, C and J Barry (2005). The identification, molts, and aging of American and Eurasian wigeons in female-type plumages. Birding, 37(2):156-164.
- Andrew Baksh (2013). Photo study of American and Eurasian wigeon. <>
Mexican Duck
Mottled Duck
Family Laridae
Common Gull (Larus canus)
Short-billed Gull (Larus brachyrhynchus)
Family Procellariidae
Short-tailed Shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris)
- McKee, BT and RS Terrill (2004). Dark shearwaters in the northeast Pacific. Birding, 36(6):598-607.
- Gillson, G (2008). Field separation of Sooty and Short-tailed shearwaters off the west coast of North America. Birding, 40(2):34-40.
- Holden, B (2024). Case Study: Short-tailed Shearwaters in the Great Lakes. YouTube video posted 17 Nov 2024.
Family Threskiornithidae
Plegadis ibis
- Leukering, T (2008). Glossy Ibis and the identification challenges of hybrid Plegadis in Colorado. Colorado Birds, 42(2):147-149.
Family Falconidae
Crested Caracara
- State/provincial records committee actions in the Great Lakes region and northeastern Great Plains region are summarized here. There have been accepted records in the seven U.S. states besides Illinois in the Great Lakes region (Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), plus there are accepted records for the one Canadian province in the Great Lakes region (Ontario). The seven U.S. states in the northeastern portion of the Great Plains region (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota) each have accepted records; however, Manitoba seems to lack accepted records. Note that Minnesota's record, though accepted, remains considered of questionable origin.
- Indiana: there is one record from the state (as of 12 Feb 2023); it occurred 12 Jan 2011and was accepted by the state records committee. See the listing of all Indiana Bird Record Committee records.
- Iowa: Iowa Bird Records listing of Crested Caracara records (one record as of 12 Feb 2023).
- Ohio: Ohio Cardinal vol. 37, no. 3 (see page 122 for the seasonal report entry for the one Crested Caracara record in Ohio and page 141 for the records committee action on it).
- Kansas: there are four records for Kansas, two accepted and two rejected. The first state record occurred in 2011 and the second record in 2014.
- Manitoba: there were no accepted records of Crested Caracara, based on the Checklist of the Birds of Manitoba produced in 2009 by the Manitoba Avian Research Committee (accessed 12 Feb 2023) and on the lack of any records in eBird as of 12 Feb 2023.
- Michigan: the Michigan Bird Records Committee has accepted two records.
- Dombroski L (2018). Actions of the Michigan Bird Records Committee for 2017. Michigan Birds and Natural History, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 113-155. (This article includes decisions on the two Michigan records as of 12 Feb 2023; see pp. 131-132.)
- record listing (with photos) for Michigan
- Minnesota: the Minnesota Bird Records Committee has accepted one record, from 1994, but with status "Accidental, questionable origin."
- Eckert KR (1995). Proceedings of the Minnesota Bird Records Committee. The Loon, vol. 67, pp. 45-47. (This article discusses acceptance of the 1994 record of Crested Caracara as "Accidental, questionable origin"; see p. 45.)
- Eckert KR (1997). Proceedings of the Minnesota Bird Records Committee. The Loon, vol. 69, pp. 28-31. (This article notes Crested Caracara's continued status as "Accidental, questionable origin"; see p. 30.)
- Eckert KR (1999). Proceedings of the Minnesota Bird Records Committee. The Loon, vol. 71, pp. 36-39. (This article notes Crested Caracara's elevation to a species on the official state list, though without explanation; see pp. 36-37. Crested Caracara continues with status "Accidental, questionable origin" at least as of 2019.)
- Missouri: there are two accepted records for Missouri, one from 7 Dec 2015 and one from 20 Sep 2017.
- Rowe WC (2016). Twenty-eighth annual report of the Missouri Bird Records Committee. (This reports lists the 2015 record; see the seventh page of the report.)
- Rowe WC (2018). Thirtieth annual report of the Missouri Bird Records Committee. (This reports lists the 2017 record; see the fourth page of the report.)
- Nebraska: there are two records for Nebraska, one accepted and one rejected. See also the discussion in the Crested Caracara summary in Birds of Nebraska - Online.
- Brogie MA (2012). 2011 (23rd) report of the NOU Records Committee. The Nebraska Bird Review, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 112-122. (This reports summarizes an unaccepted 2011 record; see p. 118.)
- Brogie MA (2013). 2012 (24th) report of the NOU Records Committee. The Nebraska Bird Review, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 120-130. (This reports summarizes a 2012 record that was the first accepted record for the state; see p. 122.)
- New York: the state has at least three records of Crested Caracara.
- D'Anna W et al. (2017). Special report of the New York State Avian Records Committee: addition of five new species to the New York checklist. [online resource] (This publication discusses the addition of Crested Caracara to the state list based three on records from the southeast end of the state.)
- There is a record from near Lake Ontario in February 2018; see eBird checklist S42534197. This record involved a bird photographed by a trail camera. However, the NYSARC action on this record may not yet be available in the litertaure.
- North Dakota: there is at least one accepted record of Crested Caracara in North Dakota, based on the North Dakota Official Checklist. As of 12 Feb 2023, there is just one eBird record (see eBird checklist S72187654) involving a photographed bird.
- Ontario, Canada: records from the province (as of 12 Feb 2023) include a bird in Algoma in 2016 that is likely the same as one in Michigan during 2016-2017 plus single records from 1892, 1994, and 2002.
- Burrell MVA, BN Charlton, and KGD Burrell (2017). Ontario Bird Records Committee Report for 2016. Ontario Birds, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 58-85. (See pp. 74-75 for the Crested Caracara record discussion.)
- Crins WJ (2003). Ontario Bird Records Committee Report for 2002. Ontario Birds, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 54-76. (See p. 66 for the discussion of the 2002 Crested Caracara record, which also mentions the 1892 and 1994 records.)
- Pittaway R (1995). Ontario Bird Records Committee Report for 1994. Ontario Birds, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 46-65. (See p. 53 for the discussion of the 1994 Crested Caracara record, which also mentions the 1892 record.)
- Wormington A (1986). Ontario Bird Records Committee Report for 1985. Ontario Birds, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 3-18. (See pp. 7-8 for the discussion of the 1892 Crested Caracara record, including a statement regarding the committee assessment of provenance.)
- Pennsylvania: the Pennsylvania Ornithological Records Committee has accepted one record, from 2014, with another 2020 record not accepted (see listing of documented records of Crested Caracara for Pennsylvania).
- McGann A and M Fialkovitch (2017). Twenty-first report of the Pennsylvania Ornithological Records Committee covering 2012-2014. (This article discusses acceptance of the 2014 record of Crested Caracara without discussing any question of provenance; see p. 33 of the report.)
- South Dakota: there is at least one accepted record of Crested Caracara in South Dakota, based on the South Dakota State Distributional Checklist. The checklist lists Crested Caracara as accidental (occurred in 0 to 2 of the last 10 years) and notes one occurrence in the west region in the last 10 years. As of 12 Feb 2023, there is just one eBird record, involving a bird in July 2018 (see eBird checklist S64370210), with Crested Caracara confirmed though no details are provided in the checklist.
- Wisconsin: Listing of Wisconsin rare bird records through end of 2022 (one record, see page 93).
- Articles about occurrence and expansion of Crested Caracara in the West.
- Jenness D (2015). Crested Caracara in Arizona: background and recent expansion. Arizona Birds, volume 2015.
- Nelson KN and P Pyle (2013). Distribution and movement patterns of individual Crested Caracaras in California. Western Birds, vol. 44, no. 1.
- Toochin, R and D Cecile (2015). Status and Occurrence of Crested Caracara (Caracara cheriway) in British Columbia. [online resource]
Family Tyrannidae
Small-billed Elaenia and Chilean Elaenia
- Gorleri, FC and JI Areta (2022). Misidentifications in citizen science bias the phenological estimates of two hard-to-identify Elaenia flycatchers. Ibis, 164(1):13-26, Appendix S2.
Family Vireonidae
"Solitary Vireo complex"
- Birch, A (2018). Identification Summary of Blue-headed and Cassin's Vireos. Surfbirds,
- Heindel, MT (1996). Field identification of the Solitary Vireo complex. Birding, 28(6):458-471.
Family Fringillidae
European Goldfinch
- Bohlen, HD (1989). Entry for European Goldfinch in The Birds of Illinois. Indiana University Press, p. 206.
- Craves, JA (2008). Current status of the European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) in the Western Great Lakes region. North American Birds, 62(3):498-501.
- Craves, JA (2009). European Goldfinch update. (Post in blog maintained by Julie A. Craves related to work of the Rouge River Bird Observatory; provides details about nesting in Waukegan in June 2009.)
- Craves, JA (2021). European Goldfinches: 20 year data summary underway. (Post in blog maintained by Julie A. Craves related to work of the Rouge River Bird Observatory.)
- Craves, JA and NM Anich (2023). Status and distribution of an introduced population of European Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) in the western Great Lakes region of North America. NeoBiota, 81:129-155. (See also where supplementary materials may be accessed.)
- Sell, Adam (2021). European Goldfinch in the Western Great Lakes region: a 2020 update. North American Birds, 72(1):4-7.
- European Goldfinch records adjudicated by IORC in 2021 or earlier.
- Record 1999-002 (unaccepted). See Stotz, D.F., D.B. Johnson. The Sixth Report of the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee. Meadowlark 9(2):50-55. (Includes summary of unaccepted European Goldfinch record 1999-002.)
- Record 2021-043 (unaccepted).
- American Birding Association criteria for determining establishment of exotics.
- European Goldfinch map from Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II
Family Icteridae
Audubon's Oriole
- Gorney, D. and J. Lewis (2007). Audubon's Oriole (Icterus graluacaula) in Indiana: First United States record away from Texas. North American Birds 61(2):352-357.
page was last updated on 20 January 2025