Ross's Geese
Chen rossii

Montrose Point, Lincoln Park
Cook County, IL
17 February 2006

On 17 February 2006, Bob Hughes and Kanae Hirabayashi found two Ross's Geese at Montrose Point with a flock of close to 30 Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens). This was pretty exciting as Ross's Goose had never previously been confirmed in Lincoln Park. Word spread; John Purcell called me at home and I was able to squeeze in a visit before going to work. There was also a probable hybird Ross's x Snow Goose in the flock.

Here is one of the two Ross's Geese with some blue morph and white morph Snow Geese.

Here is a photo showing both Ross's Geese.

In the following photo there are three birds. A Ross's Goose is on the right, and a Snow Goose is in the middle. I'm not sure whether that's the second Ross's Goose on the left or the hybrid.

This page was last updated on 18 February 2006.
Contact Geoff Williamson with any comments, updates or suggestions.